Tag: EMF

Timepeace #1: Not a Race to 5G — A Race to Healing and Integrity

By Patricia Burke Part 1 of a Commentary on Paradigm Shifts in Telecommunications, Environmental Pollutants, Ecosystems, Human Health, Health Care Delivery, and the Human Capacity for Consciousness, Against the Backdrop of the Concurrent Challenges of Covid-19 and Microwave Poisoning *Words with multiple layers of meaning,…

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Dr. Phil, Ball’s in Your Court — TV Doctors, Patriarchy, Microwave Hearing, and Wireless Concerns

By Patricia Burke Let’s say that a television show wants to explore the covid epidemic. But for a “representative” patient, the show features an individual who was a cocaine addict, who smokes, and who may or may not have some long-standing undiagnosed mental health issues,…

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Embassy Diplomat Injuries Most Likely Microwave Weapons; Goodbye to “Thermal – Only” Claims For Non-Ionizing Harm

By Patricia Burke INTRODUCTION: Havana Syndrome “Havana Syndrome” is the term coined to describe unusual injuries and harm experienced by diplomatic personnel from the U.S. and Canada working overseas, initially reported to be occurring in Cuba. In December of 2020, the “Consensus Study Report: An…

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Cellphones: So, What’s the Big Worry About a Bit of Precipitation or a Coffee Spill on Your Device, When We Don’t Bother to Actually Test For Safety? Because….

By Patricia Burke A recent post from Australians for Safe Technology asks: Did you know that children have thinner brains than adults? Did you know that children’s brains have a higher water content than adults? Is should be no surprise then that children absorb significantly…

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MA RF Bills: New Concern About The Integrity of Science Informing Wireless Policy, Internationally, Among Issues

By Patricia Burke Massachusetts Led Nation with Caution and Human Rights Protection, and Should Continue to Do So E-waste rates skyrocketed across the planet in 2019. (See: Electronic waste grew 21 percent in five years https://www.theverge.com/21309776/record-amount-ewaste-2019-global-report-environment-health) Because Massachusetts was one of the few states that…

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IEEE Didn’t Like the Science Reported Out of Qatar and India About Health Hazards of Radio Frequencies, So They Retracted It

By Patricia Burke As concerned organizations and individuals attempt to plead with the fox guarding the hen house in the United States about the issue of safety and wireless technologies, including 5G, it is difficult to imagine a different outcome than what happened the last…

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Comments of Patricia Burke to the FCC: FCC 19-226 Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields

By Patricia Burke For information on how to submit your own comments, please visit Physicians for Safe Technology here. I am requesting independent, non-industry affiliated, pre-market health, environmental, and safety research regarding 5G technology. I oppose any further deployment of new wireless telecommunications infrastructure, until…

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TIMEBOUND: This May Be Our Gandhi Moment — Comment by May 15 on the Adequacy of the FCC’s Outdated Radiation Exposure Guidelines

By Patricia Burke “The future depends on what we do in the present.” – Gandhi Back in late December of 2013, while many Massachusetts residents were focused on the holiday season, the Dept. of Public Utilities published its order 12-76: D.P.U. 12-76-A December 23, 2013,…

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Narratives and News of 5G Fires Reportedly Fueled by Covid Health Fears: Name Names or Stop the Insinuations

Op-Ed by Patricia Burke National and international news outlets have been reporting that celltower fires in Europe and elsewhere have been started by conspiracy theorists linking the new 5G telecommunications network to the covid pandemic. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/coronavirus-conspiracy-theory-5g-fires-quebec-1.5560570 https://business.financialpost.com/technology/how-europe-got-caught-up-in-crackpot-5g-coronavirus-conspiracy-theories https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/the-dangerous-coronavirus-conspiracy-theories-targeting-5g-technology-bill-gates-and-a-world-of-fear https://www.vox.com/recode/2020/4/24/21231085/coronavirus-5g-conspiracy-theory-covid-facebook-youtube https://thehill.com/policy/technology/493927-arsonists-falsely-linking-5g-to-coronavirus-burn-cell-towers-in-europe https://www.businessinsider.com/77-phone-masts-fire-coronavirus-5g-conspiracy-theory-2020-5“ https://www.businessinsider.com/why-people-believe-conspiracy-theories-about-the-coronavirus-pandemic-2020-4 https://www.denverpost.com/2020/04/26/5g-conspiracy-theories-coronavirus-link/ https://www.cnet.com/health/5g-coronavirus-conspiracy-theory-sees-77-mobile-towers-burned-report-says/ https://www.zdnet.com/article/amid-5g-mast-arson-and-coronavirus-conspiracy-theories-social-media-walks-a-fine-line/…

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Post-Corona: In the Rush for More Wireless, We Should All Remember Past Experiments on the Unsuspecting Public

Op-Ed by Patricia Burke Years after the fact, the truth of unethical experimentation on American citizens during the 1900s came to light … for example, the Tuskegee Syphilis trials. Poor black men were told that they were being treated for the disease, but in fact,…

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