Tag: natural pain relief

6 Steps to Free Yourself From EMF and Electromagnetic Pollution Headaches

By Dr. Scott Graves Electromagnetic pollution, headaches and migraines Within the last 30-50 years the earth has been become flooded with electromagnetic frequencies from cell phone use, Wi-Fi signals, microwaves, power lines, cell phone towers, computers, tablets, smart meters and many more.  It is logical…

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Non-Lethal Biological Warfare Agents Linked to Autoimmune Disease Epidemic

By Dylan Charles Chronic and autoimmune diseases are now epidemic in America. Marked by such symptoms as fatigue, brain fog, gastro-intestinal problems, achy joints, low-level fevers, rashes, fibromyalgia, neurodegenerative diseases, obsessive compulsive disorder, and ADHD, these emerging illnesses have become severely debilitating to the public and extremely…

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Friendships Better Than Morphine

Friends ‘better than morphine’ – Larger social networks release more pain-killing endorphin, University of Oxford reports People with more friends have higher pain tolerance, Oxford University researchers have found. Katerina Johnson, a doctoral student in the University’s Department of Experimental Psychology, was studying whether differences in…

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