Tag: aluminum

The Dangers Of Aluminum Adjuvants In Vaccines Discussed With Aluminum Expert Christopher Exley, PhD

By Catherine J. Frompovich One of the colleagues with whom I network regarding vaccines, Christina England of the U.K., asked if I could give exposure to her article and interview with world-renowned aluminum expert, Christopher Exley, PhD, of Keele University in Staffordshire, England. Dr. Exley…

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A Serious Warning About the Toxicity of Aluminum-Adjuvanted Vaccines – Especially for Infants and the Elderly

By Gary G. Kohls, MD, Natural Blaze The following article comes, slightly edited and re-formatted, from a 2015 Frontiers in Neurology Review Article. It was authored by Romain Kroum Gherardi, Housam Eidi, Guillemette CrĂ©peaux, François Jerome Authier and Josette Cadusseau (of the FacultĂ© de MĂ©decine…

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Once Upon A Time There Were Aluminum-free Adjuvant Vaccines: What Happened?

By Catherine J. Frompovich Do you realize that aluminum adjuvants in vaccines do not require clinical approval? It’s the vaccine that gets approval—that’s the technicality as delineated by various independent vaccine researchers! That being said, aluminum is a nerve toxin with neurotoxic adverse effects and…

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A lone FDA scientist could end the autism epidemic

By J.B. Handley, Co-Founder, Generation Rescue and Board Member, World Mercury Project In a brand new published study, the only science vouching for the “safety” of injected aluminum adjuvant has come under extreme criticism by heavyweight scientists. Dr. Robert J. Mitkus — author of the misleading aluminum…

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Guild Wants Tests for Aluminum in Air, Water and Soil After Finding Anomalous High Levels

Citizen Scientists Find Anomalous High Levels, Pilot Project Resolution passed at Convention, in Oroville, CA At the recent Guild’s annual convention, representatives from 40 chapters deliberated on 25 resolutions in 7 categories: Agriculture, Communities, Energy, Government, Health, Education, and Natural Resources. “As a grassroots organization, the…

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Bacteria are Turned into Nanobots Inside the Body to “Fight Cancer”

By Markab Algedi, Natural Blaze The news has little to say about these scientific discoveries, but did you know that researchers have been experimenting with programming bacteria to essentially become nanobots and transport chemicals to people’s organs? Researchers in 2017 are doing things ranging from spraying crops…

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The Role Of Aluminum In Changing Human Biology To Accept The Ionized Atmosphere We Live In: Part 3 Former CIA Officer Explains The Shadow Government and Deep State Roles In How Technology Makes It Possible

By Catherine J. Frompovich Kevin Shipp is a former CIA officer in counter intelligence and supervising manager, who has become a whistleblower. The CIA acts outside the U.S. Constitution and that’s what made and makes Kevin Shipp speak out. He talks about the Shadow Government…

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The Role Of Aluminum In Changing Human Biology To Accept The Ionized Atmosphere We Live In: Part 2 Elana Freeland Discusses Chemtrails, HAARP And Aluminum, The Key Connection

By Catherine J. Frompovich After reading Part One of this three-part series, readers probably are wondering what comes next and has Frompovich gone off the deep end into science fiction. Even though it may sound like I have, in this part I introduce readers to…

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The Role Of Aluminum In Changing Human Biology To Accept The Ionized Atmosphere We Live In: Part 1 Vaccines

By Catherine J. Frompovich Is there something so “in our faces” going on that we don’t recognize it for what it is, plus apparent calculated and long-range motives? What I’m talking about is the ubiquitous presence of aluminum, aka aluminium. Aluminum is number 13 on…

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Aluminum, Autoimmunity, Autism and Alzheimer’s – Rebutting Big Pharma’s Talking Points

By Gary G. Kohls, MD, guest to Natural Blaze … About the Safety of Aluminum (and Mercury) in Vaccines “…only 1 in 10,000 HPV-infected women develop cervical cancer.” — Source “I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some…

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Newly Published Retrospective Study NAILS Aluminum In Vaccines As UNSAFE

By Catherine J. Frompovich Neil Z Miller is a medical research journalist, who’s been researching vaccines and vaccinology science for 25 years [1]. Recently (Winter 2016), Neil had his retrospective study about aluminum, aka aluminium, “Aluminum in Childhood Vaccines Is Unsafe” published in the Journal…

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