Category: Health And Wellness

“Environmentally Friendly” Products Can Be Seriously Unfriendly to You and the Environment

By Heather Callaghan, Editor Unfortunately words like “environmentally friendly,” “green” or even “biodegradable” may just be a form of green washed, sleight-of-hand that have nothing to do with your or your pets’ health. Since the 1990s, we’ve had a virtually unregulated uprising of chemical products. Back…

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6 Steps to Free Yourself From EMF and Electromagnetic Pollution Headaches

By Dr. Scott Graves Electromagnetic pollution, headaches and migraines Within the last 30-50 years the earth has been become flooded with electromagnetic frequencies from cell phone use, Wi-Fi signals, microwaves, power lines, cell phone towers, computers, tablets, smart meters and many more.  It is logical…

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Study Proves Pesticides Are Linked To Farmer Respiratory Problems

By Ariana Marisol Pesticides are having extreme negative effects on farmers health. Herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides are often blamed for their negative impacts on the environment. Yet they have harmful and sometimes even deadly effects on most people, specifically farmers. Surprisingly enough, research on the…

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Like Tobacco and Big Pharma, The Sugar Industry Has Manipulated Research For 50 Years

By Natasha Longo Don’t you love people who cling to scientific research without ever questioning who sponsored that research? Using archival documents, a new report published by JAMA Internal Medicine examines the sugar industry’s role in heart disease research. The study suggests that the sugar…

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Kratom Helped Me Turn My Life Around, Now The DEA Has Banned It

By Anonymous My fundamental issue has always been that I was raised by physically and emotionally abusive parents in near-cult-like isolation. That compromised my social skills, ability to feel relaxed or safe in normal human circumstances, and baseline neurochemistry in regards to contentment, happiness, and…

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