Tag: Military

Military Doctor Testifies Under Oath that Superiors Ordered Her Not to Discuss Injuries After Covid Vaccines

By Matt Agorist In January, we reported on multiple military doctors who came forward and blew the whistle alleging that the DoD medical data showed alarming increases in cancer, miscarriages, infertility and other illnesses after the vaccine was mandated in the US military. As with…

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Military Doctors: DoD Medical Data Shows 300% Increase in Cancer, Miscarriages, Infertility After Jab Approved

By Matt Agorist According to the US military, the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) is the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Branch’s (AFHSB) “web-based tool to remotely query de-identified active component personnel and medical event data contained within the Defense Medical Surveillance System (DMSS).” It contains…

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“Alarming” Levels of “Forever Chemicals” Found in Water Near US Bases in Okinawa

By Brett Wilkins As the U.S. military continues construction of a controversial new base at Henoko Bay, Okinawa, the recent discovery of extreme levels of highly toxic “forever chemicals” in local waterways and groundwater has renewed long-standing opposition to the American occupation of large portions…

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EMF/RF/5G/IOUT; 2021 Holiday Season’s Miracle Birth vs. Ocean Cries? Do You Hear What I Hear?

By Patricia Burke with Flo Freshman As Christmas approaches, nativity scenes depict the birth of a newborn child in a manger.  Catholics worldwide are observing the Advent season, with candles, wreaths, and prayers. In truth, centuries earlier, before the Church took the calendar away from…

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RF/EMF/5G/IOUT: Internet of Underwater Things vs. Whales and Ocean Mammals, Activist Artist Russell Wray

By Patricia Burke “The Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, (also known as the ‘Global Network‘ or the ‘GN’) is an international network of organizations and individuals [] concerned about the militarization and exploitation of space. In just a few decades outer…

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EMF/RF/5G, IOUT, Bahamas Whale Beachings, Kenneth Balcomb: Autopsies Point To Severe Hemorrhaging Due To Acoustic Resonance

By Patricia Burke Back in 2001, as published by Acoustic Ecology, Kenneth Balcomb corresponded with the military about an environmental impact statement covering sonar. I have had the unique opportunity to witness and study a mass stranding of whales and a dolphin caused by a…

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EMF/RF/5G/IOUT Sounding the Alarm about Anthropogenic Noise Pollution: Coming Soon to an Ocean Near You

By Patricia Burke Plans are accelerating to pursue an Internet of Underwater Things and the increased militarization of the oceans, including the use of sonar. As noted in yesterday’s article, EMF/RF/5G/Internet Of Underwater Things: Devastation To Whales Is Warning Us, although the story has received…

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EMF/RF/5G December 21 Solstice Event: “More Whales, Less Sonar — Cultivating an Ocean of Consciousness to Protect Marine Life”

An online streaming event and meditation, inspired by whales, on the Solstice December 21st at 5 pm Pacific, 8 pm Eastern, featuring Dr. Marsha Green from Ocean Mammal Institute. Sign up for the Zoom event here or https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEpcuGgqz8uEtaJxlUusogsfkGXNpoVro6. You can also email us at [email protected]….

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Solstice 2021: Whales and Collective Consciousness vs. “Smart” Oceans, Internet of Underwater Things, and Annihilation by Technology

By Patricia Burke Whale Trust reports, “The humpback whale song is one of the most complex, non-human, acoustic displays in the animal kingdom. But why males sing is still a mystery. [ ] Whale Trust Maui researchers have been following, recording, and tracking humpback whales…

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EMF/RF/5G Thanksgiving; Addressing Past Colonization, Our Militarized Present, and the Future Underwater Internet of Things? Part 2 of 3

By Patricia Burke See part 1 here on colonialism persisting in the modern day, in great part due to the U.S. military’s planetary footprint. “Here’s the awful truth: even if every person, every automobile, and every factory suddenly emitted zero emissions, the Earth would still…

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