Category: Health And Wellness

Take the Scenic Route: Rush Hour Traffic Spikes Blood Pressure as Much as High-sodium Diet

By John Anderer Concerning new findings suggest the countless commuters who travel on high-traffic highways every day may be putting their cardiovascular health at risk. Scientists at the University of Washington report that unfiltered air from rush-hour traffic appeared to significantly increase passengers’ blood pressure…

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Underwater HIIT Provides Major Fitness Boost for Adults Struggling to Exercise on Land

By John Anderer High-intensity interval training (HIIT) involves short bursts of intense activity followed by even shorter periods of rest repeatedly. So, for example, 45 seconds of burpees followed by 15 seconds of rest, repeated five times. HIIT has emerged as a top exercise choice…

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PFAS: How Research is Uncovering Damaging Effects of “Forever Chemicals”

By Eadaoin Carthy, Dublin City University and Abrar Abdelsalam, Dublin City University Since their inception in the 1940s, the so-called forever chemicals have woven themselves into the fabric of our modern world. But recently, they’ve been appearing in alarming news headlines about their damaging effects…

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US Infant Mortality Rate Rises For First Time In Over 20 Years

By Tyler Durden U.S. infant mortality rate rose 3%, with 20,538 deaths recorded in 2022, according to provisional data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published Wednesday. As Statista’s Katharina Buchholz reports, the rate had been almost continuously falling since CDC records began in 1995,…

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Practicing Tai Chi Can Slow Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms for Years, Study Reveals

By Study Finds Tai Chi may help mitigate the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease for an extended period, a new study suggests. This traditional Chinese martial art, characterized by sequences of slow, controlled movements, appears to hinder the advancement of the incapacitating condition. According to the…

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Exercise Or Antidepressants? Study Finds Running Just As Effective For Treating Depression

By StudyFinds Running is as effective as medication when it comes to battling depression, according to a groundbreaking study. Along with boosting a patient’s physical fitness, researchers from Vrije University in Amsterdam determined that roughly the same percentage of individuals with depression and anxiety experienced…

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