Tag: wifi

American Heart Association is Silent on Heart Cancer and Irregular Heart Rate Risks from Cell phones, Cell towers, and Wireless Radiation. Why? AT&T and IBM Sit on the Advisory Board

By Nina Beety The American Heart Association’s mission statement is To build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Yet, AHA fails to warn the public about serious, life-threatening cardiac impacts from wireless radiation exposure. These risks include heart rhythm disturbances, heart tumors, cardiac…

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Are Smart Meters and Wireless Tech Making You Sick?

By Nina Beety Some of the new-onset health problems reported following Smart Meter or wireless technology installation and use are: tinnitus; hearing ringing, humming, clicking, or buzzing headaches or migraines rapid heartbeat, missed beats, or other heart problems nausea or vomiting insomnia, sleep disturbances electromagnetic sensitivity —…

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How Consumer Rights Are Denied While Oppressive Vested Interests Legislation Gets Passed

By Catherine J. Frompovich Currently, we live in a “time capsule” of corporate vested interests that will do everything, and just about anything, to get their vested interests and goals enacted into either federal legislation and/or individual state statutes. The most ridiculous farce ever regarding such…

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Are Your Body’s Schwann Cells Protected When You Use Cell Phones Or Are Exposed To Other Microwaves Like Wi-Fi?

By Catherine J. Frompovich What are Schwann cells, you probably are asking? As per the graphics below, Schwann cells are cells inside the myelin sheath’s protective cover for cells in the peripheral nervous system. Demyelination of the myelin sheath has been considered the probable cause…

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The Best Way To Educate Politicians And Government Agencies About Wi-Fi, EMF Frequencies And The Adverse Health Effects Accruing From Them

By Catherine J. Frompovich Slowly, but surely, many high tech consumers are coming to the rough realization that the very devices they have fallen in love with and depend upon, i.e., iPhones, smart phones, and other products that use microwaves to send and receive voice,…

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The killing fields and mind control of microwave radiation – TETRA anyone?

By Dr. Ellis Evans, Natural Blaze It’s about 25 years since the introduction of digital mobile phones and its resultant technology were foisted onto society. These devices were authorised and allowed onto market with no safety testing. Today, mobile phone communication has deepened and widened to such…

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Anxiety, Heart Problems, Chest Pains, Cancer from EMR But “No Proof of Harm”

By Brandon Turbeville, Natural Blaze Despite the mainstream media and the Telecom industry’s claims that there are no connections between cellphones and negative health effects, particularly cancer, the fact is that the manuals of the devices manufactured by the same industry admit that they do. Indeed, the contradiction…

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Swiss Dept. of Public Instruction Implements “Precautionary Principle” Regarding Wi-Fi And Other Smart Tech Devices

By Catherine J. Frompovich In July of 2017, the Republic and Canton of Geneva, Department of Public Instruction, Culture and Sport, Office for Children and Youth, Child and Youth Health Service of Switzerland did something rather unusual, but extremely proactive, to enforce the “Precautionary Principle.”…

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