Tag: Brandon Turbeville

EU Med Establishment Launches Jihad Against Homeopathy

By Brandon Turbeville, Natural Blaze In a report that shocked no one familiar with the European medical establishment, a Europe-wide umbrella organization representing 29 national and international scientific academies in Europe, the European Academies Science Advisory Council has launched into a tirade against homeopathy. The EASAC…

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U.S. Inadvertently Proves Free Trade Doesn’t Work; Sanctions Made Better Russian Ag Eco, Food Independence

By Brandon Turbeville Over the past few decades, Americans may well have become the most heavily propagandized people on the face of the earth. This propaganda push reached a fever pitch after 9/11 and has intensified with each passing year, with Americans becoming more and more…

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When Government Forces Parents’ Hands on Vaccines: A Response to Paul Offit

By Brandon Turbeville If anyone wanted any more proof that vaccine fanatics were becoming even more radicalized and authoritarian they need look no further than Paul Offit’s June 18th article for the Daily Beast entitled “When Parents Force the Government’s Hand on Vaccines.” Offit’s article does…

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