Tag: smart meters

Independence, Missouri, City Council Adopts Ordinance Prohibiting AMI Smart Meters June 3, 2019

By Catherine J. Frompovich Bang the timpani drums and clang the brass cymbals! One municipality finally was able to get an ordinance passed that prohibits AMI Smart Meters from being installed anywhere within the city limits. The City of Independence, Missouri, did the right thing…

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How Would You Like A SMART METER In Your Automobile: It’s Coming In Order To Pave The Way For Self-Driving Cars

By Catherine J. Frompovich Folks the information below is no techno bull malarkey! Seriously, auto makers probably will be installing “smart meters” in all new cars so as to prevent accidents but, realistically, it’s surreptitiously a way to pave the way for – you got…

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Are Smart Meters and Wireless Tech Making You Sick?

By Nina Beety Some of the new-onset health problems reported following Smart Meter or wireless technology installation and use are: tinnitus; hearing ringing, humming, clicking, or buzzing headaches or migraines rapid heartbeat, missed beats, or other heart problems nausea or vomiting insomnia, sleep disturbances electromagnetic sensitivity —…

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A Pennsylvania AMI Smart Meter Survey Reports Horror Stories

By Catherine J. Frompovich Pennsylvanians literally have been screwed figuratively by their state legislature and legislators regarding the totalitarian approach and mandate to retrofitting health-harming utility [electric, natural gas and water] AMI Smart Meters, specifically through committee procedural actions of soon-be-retired PA House Consumers Affairs…

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AMI Smart Meter DEFEAT At New Mexico Public Regulation Commission

By Catherine J. Frompovich Whoever would even have guessed a state public utility commission would reject the New World Order’s and the UN’s Agendas 21 and 2030 “smart agenda” for asserting and implementing global control mechanisms by deliberately DISAPPROVING a utility company’s proposal to retrofit AMI Smart Meters…

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Anxiety, Heart Problems, Chest Pains, Cancer from EMR But “No Proof of Harm”

By Brandon Turbeville, Natural Blaze Despite the mainstream media and the Telecom industry’s claims that there are no connections between cellphones and negative health effects, particularly cancer, the fact is that the manuals of the devices manufactured by the same industry admit that they do. Indeed, the contradiction…

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New Research Shows Cell Phone Radiation Linked to DNA Damage Brain and Heart Tumors

By Paul A. Philips A recent U.S government-funded study conducted by the NTP (National Toxicology Programme) a division of the NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) provides even more ammunition for the case that cell phone EMF (electromagnetic field) radiation is linked to cancer…

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Oklahoma’s Exemplary AMI Smart Meters Removal and Consumer Protection Bill: A Model For Other States To Follow

By Catherine J. Frompovich You know it just had to happen! Some scientifically-hip legislator in one of the 50 United States finally decided to introduce a bill to protect his constituents’ Constitutional rights guaranteed by both state and federal Constitutions, plus delineated the factual, independent—not consensus—science…

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New York State Legislative Bills Show The LEGAL Way To Get Rid Of AMI Smart Meters

By Catherine J. Frompovich Everyone who bristles at the unsettling and frightening thoughts of being: Tracked electronically by the newly retrofitted utility company AMI Smart Meters, especially electric meters, which will monitor and interact with all your smart appliances in-house; Irradiated by non-ionizing radiofrequency (RF)…

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