Tag: Patricia Burke

5G/EMF/RF/ IOUT Electropollution: Existential Threat to Public Health, Companion Animals and Life on Earth? Part 2 of 3: Radio Collars

By Michael W. Fox DSc, PhD, BVetMed, MRCVS with Patricia Burke, Reprinted by permission (In Part 1 of Dr. Fox, the Animal Doctor, began an overview of planetary electropollution.) The use of the Internet via smartphones, laptops and tablets (users being warned to keep such…

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5G/EMF/RF/ IOUT Electropollution: Existential Threat to Public Health, Companion Animals and Life on Earth Part 1 of 3

By Michael W. Fox DSc, PhD, BVetMed, MRCVS with Patricia Burke, Reprinted by permission. Electropollution from the Earth-shrouding and penetrating cybersphere of telecommunications is a major emerging existential threat and One Health issue of this Anthropocene age. Extensive scientific documentation of this critical concern is…

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EMF/RF/5G/IOUT, Yes, The Sky Is Falling People! Russian Rocket Stage Crash, Meanwhile Here Come 441,449 LEO Satellites

Compiled by Patricia Burke, images by Flo Freshman On January 6, Business Insider reported, “A failed Russian rocket stage crashed to Earth in an uncontrolled reentry into the atmosphere over the Pacific.” A failed Russian rocket stage hurtled down to Earth over the Pacific Ocean…

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Nordic Appeal from 11 NGO´s – Calling for Better Protection Against Wireless Technology

Submitted by Patricia Burke In a joint letter, representatives from 11 Nordic organisations active in the field of health risks from radiation from wireless technology, request that humans and the environment be better protected. People are today completely unprotected from a variety of harmful effects,…

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EMF/RF/5G/IOUT 2022, Narwhals and the Necessary Course Correction: RF, Sonar, Noise, Oceans, and Techno-Ecocide

By Patricia Burke On December 17, Phys.org published a paper, “After thousands of years, an iconic whale confronts a new enemy,” from the University of Copenhagen. Teetering at the Tipping Point We can shift the balance of humanity’s environmental impacts from damaging to harmonizing, by…

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EMF/RF/5G/ IOT/IOUT Swedish Institute for Human Rights: EHS (Microwave Illnesses, Due to an Inaccessible Environment)

Submitted by Patricia Burke In 2015, pioneer Olle Johansson published his paper, “Johansson O, “Electrohypersensitivity: a functional impairment due to an inaccessible environment”, Rev Environ Health 2015; 30: 311–321.” The abstract stated, In Sweden, electrohypersensitivity is recognized as a functional impairment which implies only the…

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EMF/RF/5G/IOUT: Tracking Endangered Species with RF; Mistaking Data Collection for “Conservation” and Exploiting Students?

By Patricia Burke An “animal tracking bracelet” is being promoted for holiday gift giving. One group offers the option of a bracelet, in partnership with Sea Turtle Conservancy, Save the Elephants, Track a Shark, or Track a Polar Bear. SOURCE A non-profit says: “Every Sea…

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EMF/RF/5G/IOUT; 2021 Holiday Season’s Miracle Birth vs. Ocean Cries? Do You Hear What I Hear?

By Patricia Burke with Flo Freshman As Christmas approaches, nativity scenes depict the birth of a newborn child in a manger.  Catholics worldwide are observing the Advent season, with candles, wreaths, and prayers. In truth, centuries earlier, before the Church took the calendar away from…

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RF/EMF/5G/IOUT: Internet of Underwater Things vs. Whales and Ocean Mammals, Activist Artist Russell Wray

By Patricia Burke “The Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, (also known as the ‘Global Network‘ or the ‘GN’) is an international network of organizations and individuals [] concerned about the militarization and exploitation of space. In just a few decades outer…

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EMF/RF/5G, IOUT, Bahamas Whale Beachings, Kenneth Balcomb: Autopsies Point To Severe Hemorrhaging Due To Acoustic Resonance

By Patricia Burke Back in 2001, as published by Acoustic Ecology, Kenneth Balcomb corresponded with the military about an environmental impact statement covering sonar. I have had the unique opportunity to witness and study a mass stranding of whales and a dolphin caused by a…

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EMF/RF/5G/IOUT Sounding the Alarm about Anthropogenic Noise Pollution: Coming Soon to an Ocean Near You

By Patricia Burke Plans are accelerating to pursue an Internet of Underwater Things and the increased militarization of the oceans, including the use of sonar. As noted in yesterday’s article, EMF/RF/5G/Internet Of Underwater Things: Devastation To Whales Is Warning Us, although the story has received…

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