Category: Environment

Climate Change And Geoengineering Deceptions

By Catherine J Frompovich Geoscientist J. Marvin Herndon, PhD, of the Transdyne Corporation, published a provocative paper April 21, 2017 in the Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, titled “Evidence of Variable Earth-heat Production, Global Non-anthropogenic Climate Change, and Geoengineered Global Warming and…

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DAPL Developer Spills Drilling Fluids Into Wetlands While Constructing Another Pipeline

By Deirdre Fulton The latest incident is just another ding on Energy Transfer Partners’ spotty record The company behind the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) is under fire in Ohio, where construction of a separate pipeline resulted in spills of millions of gallons of drilling fluids…

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Harvard Engineers Plan New “Real World” Geoengineering Experiment

By Derrick Broze At a recent geoengineering conference two Harvard engineers announced plans for a real-world climate engineering experiment beginning in 2018. The science of geoengineering has increasingly become a part of the public conversation around climate change and an ever-controversial topic within the scientific…

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