Search Results for: anti-fertility

Are There “Sleeper” VACCINE-caused Mutations Cytochrome P450 Genes Produce Which Medicine Deliberately Ignores?

By Catherine J. Frompovich Cytochrome P450 enzymes metabolize external substances, such as medications that are ingested, and internal substances, such as toxins that are formed within cells. … Common variations (polymorphisms) in cytochrome P450 genes can affect the function of the enzymes. [1] Diseases caused…

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Vaccines: An Environmental Factor Affecting Pregnancies And Infants

By Catherine J. Frompovich With all the medical-scientific bull floating around regarding vaccines and Autism/Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), it would behoove everyone, but especially HHS/CDC/FDA, to take seriously a paper published in September of 2014 titled “Environmental Chemical Exposures and Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Review…

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Jacobson v. Massachusetts: Why It Should Be Scuttled — The SCOTUS 1905 Decision Is Obsolete And Needs A Certiorari Brief Filed (Part 2 of 3)

A Monograph Edited by Catherine J Frompovich & Laraine Abbey-Katzev, RN emeritus, MS, CNS “Where the law is most strictly administered, it sometimes causes the greatest wrong.” Legal Maxim Quotes The Proof 1 – Fraud at CDC/FDA Fraud, propagation of deliberately deceitful vaccine research and epidemiological…

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It’s A Fact: Population Control Efforts Since The 1970s Per Declassified USA Document

By Catherine J. Frompovich If ever there were doubts about so-called “conspiracy theorists” reports regarding world population reduction plans and efforts, you now can put them aside and take a long-over-due reality check on what’s been in the works since the early 1970s under the…

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Why Were Vatican And RC Church Hierarchies NOT Unnerved About Infertility “Ingredients” In WHO’s African Tetanus Vaccine Campaign?

By Catherine J. Frompovich The Roman Catholic Church has strict rules and unyielding dogma regarding religious beliefs and congregants practices but, unfortunately, seems to turn a deaf ear and a blind eye and subscribes to “going along to get along” especially regarding the pseudosciences regarding…

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